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Vinyl vs. Faux Wood Blinds

window blinds

Get to Know These Blinds

When it comes to window blinds, there are endless options to choose from — two of those options being vinyl and faux wood. Both blinds have their own unique benefits that make them great choices for different homeowners' needs. Let's take a look at these blinds, compare them head-to-head, and discover which is best suited for your home.

Vinyl Blinds

Vinyl blinds are made from a type of plastic material, and they're one of the most affordable and popular window covering options on the market. One of their best features is that they're extremely durable, easy to clean, and don't retain moisture, making them a great choice for homes with small children or pets. They come in a variety of colors and can even be custom-ordered to perfectly match your home's aesthetic.

Faux Wood Blinds

Faux wood blinds are made from a composite material that looks and feels very similar to real wood — however, they come at a more affordable price. They offer the same durability as vinyl blinds but with a more natural look, making them perfect for homes with a rustic or traditional design style.

Choosing Blinds for Your Home

So, which is the better choice for your home — vinyl or faux wood blinds? The answer depends on your needs and preferences. Both options are affordable, easy to clean, and durable. They can each be custom fit to your home's specifications, and both can be motorized for your convenience.

The choice ultimately comes down to your home's design and your style preferences! If you're choosing blinds for a rustic, warm room, the faux wood will match perfectly. If your home has a more minimalistic, clean feel, classic vinyl blinds are the way to go.

Still unsure what treatments are right for your home? Let the Bloomin' Blinds experts help! Give our team a call today to discuss your needs and get started!